December 21, 2010


" You are the best thing that's ever been mine " :D
Mine - Taylor Swift lyric 

December 14, 2010

1. Are you single - No
2. Are you happy - yes? no?
3. Are you bored – errh yes?
4. Are you naked - No
5. Are you a blonde - No.
6. Are you moody – sometimes :D
7. Are you a lover/hater – both? :D
8. Are you hot/cold - I'm so hot hot hot :0
9. Are you Irish - No, maybe
10. Are you Asian - yeaah
1. Name – dini
2. Middle – cantik :D
3. Any birth marks – Yes
4. Hair color – black
5. Natural hair color – black.
6. Eye color – red :D dark brown rada black
7. Height – 158 hehe
8. Mood – flat ._.
9. Favorite color – pale blue, pale green, white :D
10. One Place You Want to Visit - Paris and Tokyo :D 
1. Do you believe in love at first sight – why not? :D
2. Do you believe in soul mates – errh maybe
4. Have you ever been hurt emotionally - yes
5. Have you ever broke someone’s heart?- i guess, sorry
6. Ever had your heart broken? - yes
7. Have you ever liked someone but never told them? – yes
8. Are you afraid of commitment? – No no no
9. Who was the last person you hugged? - Ema Liona Amalia? :D
10. Who was the last person you said I love you to? – eerrhh? papa? Faiz? tidak ingat
1. Love or lust – Love, of course :D
3. Cats or dogs – DOGS!
4. A few best friends or many regular friends – many regular friends and many best friends :D
5. Television or internet - Internet
6. Chinese Or Indian – Chinese
7. Wild night out or romantic night in – both :D
8. Money or Happiness – Happiness :D
9. Night or day – both :D
10. MSN or phone – both :D
1. Been caught sneaking out – yes, hehe
2. Been skinny dipping – No
3. Bungee jumped –   mau! :D
4. Finished an entire jaw breaker - Yes.
5. Lied to someone you liked – hehehe gimana ya? ;D
6. Wanted an ex boyfriend/girlfriend back – no, saya punya sekarang :D
8. Cried yourself to sleep? – Yes
9. Cried because you lost a pet – errh yes. miss you so Tama Mola Udin Puji :'(
10. Wanted to disappear – Yes.
1. Ever performed in front of a large crowd – hehe yes
2. Ever had drugs? - N e v e r
3. Ever consumed alcohol? – No.
4. Ever been involved in a car accident? - no 
5. Ever been on a cheerleading team? - no. :D
6. Ever Been on a dance team - dance? remo? :D
7. Ever been on a sports team - no XD
8. Ever been in a drama play/production - drama kelas :D
9. Ever kissed the same sex – eee waktu dulu pernah nggak sengaja tapinya XD
10. Ever been in a rap video? – mau :D
1. Sleep beside you? - adek
2. See you cry? - Ema ?
3. You went out to dinner with?- mama adek
4. You talked on the phone to? – pak Kamdi --'
5. Made you laugh? – Fauzan Umar Faruq
1. Pierce your nose or tongue? – ears :D
2. Be serious or be funny? – both :D
3. Drink whole or skim milk? - Skim milk
4. Spend time with your parents or enemies? – Parents of course
5. Simple or complicated? – Simple dumz
6. Retarded? - NO :D
1. Flowers or candy? - flowers and candy and flowers and candy :D
2. Gray or black? - both :D
3. Color or Black and white photos? - both :D
4. Sunrise or sunset? – both :D
5. Staying up late or waking up early? - staying up early waking up late :D
1. Do you like anyone? – Yes

2. Do they know it? – Faiz tau nggak? :D
1. Nervous Habits? – gosok gosok tangan, mainan kaki, goyang goyang
2. Are you double jointed? - No
3. Can you twist your tongue around and roll it? - mau! :D
4. Can you raise one eyebrow? - no I can't :(
5. Can you cross your eyes? - hiiii
6. Do you make your bed daily? – yes, or my papa will be mad
1. Which shoe goes on first? - right (harusnya)
2. Ever thrown something at someone? – Yes hehehe
3. On average, How much money do you carry? – depends 
4. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? - depends on the mood :D
5. Have you ever eaten Spam? – no.
6. Favorite ice cream? – all :D
7. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet? kokocrunch coklat :D
8. What’s your favorite beverage? – banyak :D
9. Do you cook? – errhh yes, sometimes :D
1. Last Alcoholic Drink – never been.
2. Last car ride – hehe :D
3. Last Movie Seen – A walk to remember :'(
4. Last Song Played - Unwell, matchbox20 sama Unholly confession, a7x
5. Last phone call you made – pak ji 
6. Last person you hung out with - anak" ipa3 sama ipa2 futsal hehe
7. Last time you worked – hehehe :D
8. Last person you tackled – :D
9. Last person you IM’d – ada deh :D
10. Last person(s) you went to the movies with – Fariza Ema Wiwid
11. Last thing you missed - hmm.. lemper, dewi ica waya fariz, faiz, michin mochan mia indi
12. Last thing you ate - sup merah
1. Smile or eyes - both :D
2. Light or dark hair – dark hair :D
3. Hugs or kisses - hugs better :D
4. Shorter or taller – Taller :D
5. Intelligence or attraction – Intelligent yet attractive :D
6. Romantic or spontaneous - Spontaneous :D
7. Funny or serious – both :D
8. Older or Younger - both :D
9. Outgoing or quiet – Outgoing.
10. Sweet or Bad Ass - both :D

# 1

"I wish I could be the one, the one who won't care at all"
(Unholly Confession - Avenged Sevenfold lyric) 

December 13, 2010


Michin nih yang buat :D

miss you so much guys :)

December 09, 2010


Now that it's raining more than ever
Know that we'll still have each other
You can stand under my umbrella
You can stand under my umbrella
(Umbrella - Rihanna)

ditujukan untuk :
# Fariza Faradiani
# Dewi Aprianti L
# Ahmad Fariz T
# Waya Muthia W
# dan LEMPER

December 08, 2010


akhirnya, hari yang paling tidak saya nantikan datang juga. besok, ulangan biologi. untuk lebih jelasnya, besok Ulangan Akhir Semester Biologi. buat aku, yang sama sekali tidak ahli dalam bidang ini, besok itu hari sial. apes.

gimana ya, sebelumnya aku nggak pernah benar benar mengakui kalo aku nggak bisa, nggak suka biologi. karena aku percaya sugesti itu menentukan pikiran kita sendiri. dan nanti juga akan berpengaruh pada hasilnya. di buku coret coretanku, ga terhitung banyaknya tulisan tulisan aneh yang isinya, 'I Love Biology' atau, 'Biology, Cheers Up Your Life' dan kawan kawan. padahal ya, aku sama sekali nggak suka biologi. tapi aku berharap dengan aku nulis" kayak gitu, lama kelamaan pandanganku tentang biologi akan berubah. tapi aku nggak bisa.

dari tadi sore, ak suntuuuuk bangeet. garagara *itu* dan -itu-. trus saya bilang ke Faiz kalo saya sedang suntuk. eh ternyata dia juga lagi suntuk. yah yaudah deh, dia maunya sendirian dulu. padahal saya sudah berusaha untuk menahan kesuntukan saya di depannya. tapi emang beda ya, kalo aku badmood pengennya ditemeni, tapi kalo Faiz yang suntuk maunya sendirian --'

besok ulangan biologi, dan aku malah laptopan. nggak tau, aku udah nyerah. aku nggak pengen mikir kayak gini, tapi kenyataannya, sekeras apapun aku belajar buat biologi, yang ada akhir akhirnya mesti dapet jelek. aku berusaha, buat tetep semangat melototi buku evo yang tebel mampus dan isinya cuma warna item sama oranye *aku nggak suka oranye. dan sekali lagi, belajar 5 bab biologi dalam waktu satu malem itu NGGAK MUNGKIN. 

he biologi, puas ya, aku puasrah gini cuma garagara kamu. kamu kenapa se kok kayaknya nggak suka pol sama aku. aku lho udah nyoba baik"in kamu. liaten ta buku catetanku ruapi full color gitu. catetanku yang lain nggak ada yang gitu. aslinya lho ya aku nggak suka sama kamu. kamu lho nyebelin. aku udah nahan nahan sebel, walaupun aku sebel setengah mati sama ibunya yg ngatain aku cengeng, aku tetep berusaha baik sama kamu. tapi apa? liat, aku  bobok malem begadang gini lho ngapain kalo nggak belajari kamu. tapi kamu tetep nggak mau nyantol di otakku. nyebeliiiin AAAAAAAA .